In this, my first blog, I’m asking you all to help in making the case for a central place for DRR in the Climate Change adaptation debate – please take a moment to read this and respond!
In 2007 the Bali Action Plan started the ball rolling for a new climate change deal, one that would follow the Kyoto Protocol, which ends in 2012. These negotiations will be concluded by the end of 2009, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The last round of talks this year will take place in Poznan, Poland from the 1st to the 12th of December.
Theres a great opportunity here to positively influence the negotiations, because disaster risk management and risk reduction have been identified as important elements of the climate change deal. The Poznan workshop is one of few official events that will provide input to the negotiations. We need to make a strong case in Poland for the policies and resources required to avert and be well prepared for climate-related disasters.
Real impact in Poznan, and ultimately in the Copenhagen agreement, will require the coordinated effort of all of us in the humanitarian and disaster risk reduction system.
There’s increasing awareness that climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction are closely related and therefore all of us concerned with Disaster Risk Reduction need to be making our voices heard. I’m inviting you all to respond and contribute so we can go to Poznan speaking for as many of the network as possible. I’ve drafted out my thoughts for top 10 recommendations and issues and I’d be really grateful if you can comment, suggest changes and any ideas you have. Please take a moment to send a message back now!
Climate Change Adaptation – Top 10 key recommendations / issues (UNFCC)1. Effectiveness: Innovation climate adaptation funding mechanism (MDTF) and structures to be directly accessible to local communities (possibly in partnership with local CSOs and governments) – see Provention Consortium experience.
2. Accountability and Transparency: Develop local level Climate adaptation indicators and establish independent community-based monitoring framework and baselines at local level that are functional from the start of post – Kyoto protocol 2012. Incorporate adaptation indicators into Global Network Views from the Frontline HFA – DRR monitoring framework)
3. Management of Multi Donor Trust Fund for climate adaptation to have strong civil society representation within governance structure
4. Increased amount of monies to be allocated for climate adaptation, and define when and where the sources of funding to come from
5. Adapt Hyogo Framework for Action to explicitly incorporate climate adaptation and make framework legally binding post 2015 (end of current HFA implementation phase)
6. Define how local voice / community representation and civil society will be incorporated into climate adaptation planning and decision-making processes (accountability to primary stakeholder)
7. Target those people who live in geograhically vulnerable areas most at risk to climate change
8. Primary strategy for building resilience is to build local adaptive capacities (adaptation impact to be measures in terms of outputs and outcomes at the local level)
9. Broaden climate mitigation discourse into sustainable development – not just reduction in GHG emissions (underlying justice and equity issues)
10. DRR to be incorporated into National Adaptation Plan of Action and the means defined to ensure local communities are incorporated into the planning and decision-making processes. Establish mechanisms and infrastructure to support sharing of transferable knowledge and experience (DRR - Climate Adaptation)
What do you think? Are we on the right track? Please send your comments or simply your messages of support! -
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